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Author: GEI

GEI lunch with Philip K Howard about the US elections

New York, January 16, 2024- GEI President Mario Platero, discussed with Philip K. Howard, best seller author, lawyer, founder and chairman of the non profit “The Common Good”, the Iowa results and more importantly the general electorate mood also in light of Mr. Howard forthcoming

GEI Lunch with Andrea Sironi

New York, October 16, 2023- A conversation between the President of GEI, Mario Platero, and Andrea Sironi, Chairman of Assicurazioni Generali and President of the University of Bocconi in Milan. This meeting held significant importance in the context of the ongoing Italian debate on taxing

Il Metropolitan Museum di New York annuncia la mostra sui Giganti

L’Ambasciatrice d’Italia negli Usa: “Questo importante evento aiuterà il pubblico americano a scoprire la Civiltà nuragica” Con un comunicato pubblicato sul suo sito web il Metropolitan Museum of art di New York ha dato piena esecutività dell’accordo stipulato nel novembre 2022 con la Fondazione Mont’e