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Author: GEI

GEI Awards 2015

Celebrato a New York  il quarantesimo anniversario del GEI GRANDE SERATA PER I GEI AWARDS 2015 ——————————————————————————————————————— Premiati quali eccellenze italiane: Claudio Del Vecchio, Amalia Ercoli Finzi, Gualtiero Marchesi,  Bruno Vespa, Roberto Vittori. Premio speciale per Mario Cuomo Ospite d’onore il Ministro Pier Carlo Padoan

GEI Luncheon in honor of Mr. Silvano Cassano, CEO of Alitalia

  Remarks by GEI President Lucio Caputo: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today I am very pleased to welcome to New York and to GEI, Dott. Silvano Cassano, the Chief Executive Officer of Alitalia Società Aerea Italiana. Born in Argenta, Silvano Cassano has had an

GEI Luncheon in honor of Prof. Robert Viscusi, Scholar

(Photos courtesy of Stefano Spadoni – Stefano’s Network and Radio Monte Carlo) Remarks by GEI President Lucio Caputo: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Before I begin, I want to bring your attention two people with us today who will soon be departing for Italy to