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Author: GEI

GEI Luncheon in honor of Pres. Antonio D’Amato

Dr. Antonio D’Amato is the President of Confindustria, the Confederation of Italian Industry. Dr. D’Amato was born in Naples, Italy in 1957 and holds a degree in Law from the University of Naples “Federico II” (1980). He started his entrepreneurial life in 1979 by taking on

GEI Award 1996

Dr. Alessandro Profumo received the GEI Award on June 27, 2003

GEI Award 1998

Hon. Azeglio Ciampi received the GEI Award on October 6, 1998

GEI Award 2000

Mr. Luciano Benetton received the GEI Award on April 18, 2000

GEI Award 2001

Prof. Mario Monti received the GEI Award on November 13, 2001

GEI Award 2003 to Dr. Alessandro Profumo

June 27, 2003 ~ The Pierre Hotel, New York City  Il “GEI Award 2003”, il prestigioso premio assegnato annualmente a personalita’ italiane o americane che si sono particolarmente distinte nel loro campo di azione, e’ stato conferito il 27 giugno scorso ad Alessandro Profumo, Presidente

GEI Award 2006 to Francesco Guarguaglini

May 1, 2006 ~ The Pierre Hotel, New York City Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, chairman and chief executive officer of Finmeccanica S.p.A., Italy’s leader in aeronautics and one of Europe’s largest makers of commercial and military aircraft and aeronautical components, was honored with the GEI Award