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Author: GEI

GEI Award 2006 to Paolo Scaroni

Paolo Scaroni May 12, 2006 ~ The Pierre Hotel, New York City GEI honored Paolo Scaroni, Chief Executive Officer of ENI, SpA with the GEI Award on May 12, 2006. The GEI Award reception, luncheon and awards ceremony was held in the Grand Ballroom of

GEI Award 2007 to Gian Marco Moratti & Massimo Sarmi

June 6, 2007 ~ The Pierre Hotel, New York City Il 6 giugno presso l’hotel Pierre Hotel di New York si e’ tenuta l’edizione 2007 del “GEI AWARD” che ha visto pemiati l’Ing. Gian Marco Moratti, presidente del SARAS Group, a cui e’ stato consegnato

GEI Award 2008 to Corrado Passera

May 21, 2008 ~ Rainbow Room, New York City Dr. Corrado Passera, CEO of Intesa San Paolo Group, received the GEI Award May 21, 2008, at the elegant Rainbow Room in New York. The awards ceremony was followed by a press conference.

Pres. Giorgio Napolitano

Washington, D.C., February 16—On Friday, February 15, 2013, the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano received the 2013 GEI Award, awarded by Gruppo Esponenti Italiani. The honor was presented by GEI President Lucio Caputo in recognition and appreciation for all the great activities he

GEI Luncheon in honor of  Hon. Rosy Bindi

  Rosy Bindi è nata il 12 febbraio 1951 a Sinalunga, nel cuore della Valdichiana, tra Siena ed Arezzo. Laureata in Scienze politiche presso la Luiss, ha svolto attività accademica e di ricerca prima all’Università la Sapienza di Roma, come assistente di Vittorio Bachelet e

GEI Luncheon in honor of Ms. Teresa M. Ter-Minassian

Mrs. Ter-Minassian holds degrees in Law from the University of Rome,  and in Economics from Harvard University. From 1967 to 1978, she was on the staff of the Central Bank of Italy, part of the time on secondment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In

GEI Gala Dinner in honor of Hon. Franco Frattini

  The Hon. Franco Frattini, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Council of the European Union, was the Guest of Honor on September 25, 2003, at the GEI Gala Dinner at The Pierre Hotel in New York. The gathering attracted hundreds of

GEI Luncheon in honor of Hon. Antonio Bandini

  Il GEI – Gruppo Esponenti Italiani – ha organizzato una colazione in onore del nuovo console italiano a New York, Ministro Antonio Bandini, che ha avuto luogo venerdi 2 luglio presso il Jolly Madison Towers Hotel di New York. All’evento hanno partecipato, oltre ai