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Author: GEI

GEI Luncheon in honor of Hon Altero Matteoli 

Nato a Cecina. Dopo essersi diplomato in ragioneria ha svolto vari incarichi di partito e attività politica.  Fa parte dell’ufficio politico, della Direzione  di Alleanza Nazionale ed e’ responsabile nazionale del Dipartimento per l’organizzazione nonche’ coordinatore regionale per la Toscana. Ha una lunga esperienza parlamentare: Nella

GEI Luncheon in honor of Mr. Guy Tozzoli

GEI Luncheon in honor of Mr. Guy Tozzoli, President of the World Trade Center Association – New York, January 23, 2004 – Remarks by Lucio Caputo, President of GEI. Mr. Tozzoli has been the initiator of the World Trade Center and has been one of

GEI Luncheon in honor of On. Franco Frattini

Nato a Roma il 14 marzo 1957. Laureato in giurisprudenza, a 22 anni, presso l’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma.  Autore di numerosi articoli scientifici in materia di diritto processuale amministrativo, di contratti, di forniture e appalti pubblici.  Procuratore dello Stato nel 1981, Avvocato dello Stato

GEI Luncheon in honor of Amb. Richard Gardner

Richard N. Gardner is Professor of Law and International Organization at Columbia Law School and Counsel to Morgan Lewis, a global law firm. He served as US Ambassador to Italy from 1977 to 1981 and as US Ambassador to Spain from 1993 to 1997.  During

GEI Luncheon in honor of Ing. Elio Catania 

Born in June 1946, Elio Catania is an Electrical Engineering graduate from the University of Rome. Elio Catania joined IBM Italy in 1970 in the Public Sector branch. He has held several marketing and sales responsibilities, until becoming Director of Banking and Insurance Sector in

GEI Luncheon in honor of Dr. Alessandro Benetton

Today  is a very important day. Just 7 hours ago in the Orazi and Curiazi ballroom of the Campidoglio in Rome  the 25 head of  states and governments of the countries member of the European Union signed  the first European  Constitution. The historic event, in

GEI Luncheon in honor of Dr. Andrea Crovetto

Mr. Crovetto has a  degree in Business Administration from La Sapienza University, Rome From 1988 to 1989 was a researcher at CENSIS, in Rome, from 1989 to 1990 was a marketing analyst at Standa, in Milan, and from 1990 to 1998 was working in the

GEI Luncheon in honor of Ms. Pamela Fiori

Pamela Fiori made publishing history in May 1993, when she became the first woman to be named editor in chief of Town & Country, America’s oldest continuously published general-interest magazine (it dates back to 1846). Fiori is an innovator in the magazine industry and has