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Author: GEI

GEI Luncheon in honor of Amb. Fernando M. Valenzuela

Ambassador Fernando – Martin Valenzuela Marzo has a  Master in Law from the  University of Zaragoza;  a  Diploma in International Studies from the Diplomatic School in Madrid; and a  Diploma for Ph. D. Courses in International Law from the University of Paris. In addition Ambassador

GEI Luncheon in honor of Dr. Kenneth Ciongoli

Dr. A. Kenneth Ciongoli completed his neurology training at University of Vermont College of Medicine. He was the first resident in that program to be given the title of Chief Resident in Neurology in 1973.  He has post-graduate training in neuro-immunology in Copenhagen, Denmark. He

GEI Luncheon in honor of Dr. Kenneth Ciongoli

Li Chung (Sandi) Pei was educated at Harvard University where he earned his BA mcl in 1972 and MArch in 1976 from the Graduate School of Design. From 1976 until 1992 he practiced in the firm of I.M. Pei & Partners (since renamed Pei Cobb

GEI Luncheon in honor of Dott.ssa Diana Bracco 

The most warm welcome to Archbishop Celestino Migliore – Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations – to whom I wish to express, on behalf of all of us, the best wishes for a speedy recovery of Pope John Paul II. I

GEI Luncheon in honor of Min. Paolo De Castro

New York 13 dicembre 2006 – Il Ministro per le politiche agricole Paolo De Castro ha ricevuto oggi a New York il “GEI Friendship Award” in occasione di una colazione in suo onore offerta dal GEI nell’elegante ristorante Le Cirque alla quale hanno preso parte