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Author: GEI

GEI Luncheon in honor of Hon. Francesco Maria Talò

I am very pleased to welcome to GEI  the new Consul General of Italy in New York, Minister Francesco Maria Talò, who I had the pleasure of meeting when he was in New York with Amb. Fulci at the time of the great and successful battle

GEI Luncheon in honor of Dr. Fabrizio Saccomanni

In his capacity as Director General he is a member of the Directorate of the Bank of Italy, assists the Governor in the performance of his functions and stands in for him when he is absent; he has authority for the Bank’s ordinary administration. He

GEI Luncheon in honor of Hon. Emma Bonino

Emma Bonino is Member of Italian Parliament and Minister for International Trade and European Affairs.   She was born in Bra (Cuneo) and received a degree in Modern Languages from the Bocconi  University in Milan in 1972. She is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the

GEI Luncheon in honor of Mr. Giampiero Gramaglia

Capo redattore centrale dell’ANSA a Roma, è nato a Saluzzo (Cn) nel 1950. Giornalista dal 1973, professionista dal 1975, Gramaglia inizia l’attività giornalistica a “La Provincia Pavese” nel 1972. Dal 1976 al ’79 è alla “Gazzetta del Popolo” di Torino. Nel 1979 è corrispondente da

GEI Luncheon in honor of Ms. Elizabeth McCaul

Un quadro della attuale situazione di crisi nel campo economico-finanziario e’ stata delineato ieri da Elizabeth McCaul, del Promontory Financial Group, al pranzo di lavoro del Gruppo Esponenti Italiani. Presentata dal presidente del GEI, Lucio Caputo, che ha fra l’altro ricordato come Ms. McCaul sia

GEI Luncheon in honor of Giulio Maria Terzi Sant’Agata

I am very pleased to welcome back to NY and to GEI  the new Permanent Representative of Italy to the UN, Amb. Giulio Maria Terzi di Sant’Agata.  Before returning to New York  Amb. Terzi  had a distinguished career with important positions both in Italy and