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GEI Luncheon in honor of Minister Angelino Alfano


Ospite d’onore ad una colazione del GEI


New York, 20 settembre, – –  Il Ministro Angelino Alfano è stato oggi ospite d’onore ad una colazione  del GEI, Gruppo Esponenti Italiani, tenutasi in una sala privata del Ristorante Le Cirque di Manhattan.

Accolto dal presidente del GEI, Lucio Caputo, e dagli oltre sessanta selezionatissimi ospiti, in rappresentanza della mondo economico, bancario, finanziario, commerciale e dell’informazione della città, nonché da varie personalità italiane ed americane, il Ministro ha tracciato un quadro della attuale situazione internazionale soffermandosi, in particolare, sui problemi connessi con il terrorismo e le crescenti correnti migratorie.

Rispondendo alle domande di alcuni dei giornalisti presenti, il Ministro ha illustrato poi  i sistemi di prevenzione italiani che, fin ad oggi, hanno permesso di evitare all’Italia gli attacchi terroristi avvenuti negli altri paesi ed ha particolarmente ringraziato le forze dell’ordine per il loro continuo lavoro.

In precedenza il presidente Caputo aveva presentato agli ospiti il Ministro sottolineando l’importante ed impegnativo lavoro svolto in uno dei periodi più difficili della storia Italiana e, dopo essersi congratulato per il lavoro svolto nell’interesse del paese, gli aveva consegnato il “GEI FRIENDSHIP AWARD”.

Un momento particolarmente toccante si è avuto quando, il presidente Caputo ha ricordato Carlo Azelio Ciampi ed in particolare il GEI AWARD consegnatogli il 6 ottobre 1998 ed il grande ricevimento in suo onore del 15 novembre 2003, pochi giorni dopo l’attacco di Nasiriyah, quando oltre 2,500 Italiani ed Italo Americani avevano, calorosamente ed affettuosamente, accolto il Presidente Ciampi in occasione della sua visita a New York. Di fronte ad una standing ovation di tutti i presenti Caputo ha concluso dicendo: “Ciao Presidente, ci mancherai, we will miss you…… “

To download the Press Release, please click HERE.

Remarks by GEI President Lucio Caputo:

It is with great pleasure that – on behalf of GEI and myself – I extend the most cordial “welcome back” to New York, to the Italian Minister of Interior, Angelino Alfano.

Angelino Alfano was born in Agrigento and graduated from the Università Cattolica of Milan. He is a lawyer, with a Ph.D. in business law from the Università of Palermo. He has also been a freelance journalist since 1989 and has collaborated with numerous regional and national publications.

In 1996 he was elected to the Sicilian Regional Assembly, the youngest member of the Assembly. From 1998 to 2001 he chaired the parliamentary group of Forza Italia and in 2001 was elected to the Italian Parliament.

From 2001 to 2006 he was a member of the Budget Committee, the Commission for Regional Issues, the Commission of Inquiry on the Telekom / Serbia deal and of the Legislation Committee.

In addition to carrying out intense legislative activity, he has been supervisor of the budget law and of the budget of the state for the 2003 fiscal year. He was re-elected Member of Parliament in 2006 and in the subsequent 2008 election.

In May 2008, Angelino Alfano was appointed Minister of Justice (again the youngest in the history of the Republic) in the Berlusconi government. Elected political secretary of the “Popolo della Libertà” in July 2011, he resigned his position of Minister of Justice to fully devote himself to the party.

In February 2013, he was re-elected member of the Italian Parliament for the “Popolo della Libertà” and in April was appointed Interior Minister and Vice President of the Council of Ministers in the Letta Government.

In November 2013 Alfano founded the “New Centro Destra,” of which he is president. In the second semester of 2014, he was president of the Internal Affairs Council of the EEC.

On February 22, 2014, he was appointed Minister of Interior in the new Renzi government.

In this position he promoted and contributed to the approval of the decree to fight international terrorism that became law in April 2015.

He is president of the “Fondazione De Gasperi” and has published several books, such as “La mafia uccide d’estate” (2011) and “Chi ha paura non è libero” (2015).

In recent years, Minister Angelino Alfano, has been holding one of the most difficult positions in the Italian Government. A position that requires a lot of expertise as well as a clear understanding of the problems, which put the Minister at the forefront of numerous emergencies of different kinds that require fast action 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

In this position, Minister Alfano has shown great skill and professionalism, acquiring authority, respect and recognition. All this, as well as his service to the country, deserve appreciation and gratitude, and I warmly congratulate him.

I am pleased, therefore, on behalf of the group, to present Minister Alfano with the “GEI Friendship Award” for all he has already accomplished and wish him an “in bocca al lupo” for his future activities.


The luncheon was held on September 20th in the Stella Private Room

of Le Cirque restaurant in New York City.